Monday, July 7, 2008


Hey Everyone,

My apologies for the lack of posting in my final days in Guatemala. I just finished an email out to my bible study, so I'm going to be uber-unoriginal and repost those words. If you have any other questions or curiosities, don't hesitate to email or call or heck, even come visit! I'll be chillen in Wilmington for most of the remainder of the summer and anyone is welcome. Mom just has 2 rules: that you will help yourself to anything and that you will pick up after yourself :-)

Ok, here's the update for ya:

They released me from UNC Neurosciences Hospital on Wednesday afternoon with a turtle-shell type brace, also known as a TLSO brace, which as of know I am to wear 24 hours a day for 12 weeks. The neurosurgery team was not sure whether to do surgery or not--but after a 2 consecutive days worth of x-rays while wearing the brace and the fact that I did not have any neurological injury d/t the fracture (it's what is known as a "burst fracture" at T12--think of a coke can being crushed down vertically---well the fracture protrudes into the spinal column but, divinely, stopped before hitting my spinal cord), they decided to pursue conservative treatment. Praise God. That news came Tuesday night and was the best news I could have imagined. Tuesday night I had some tingling in my right leg which delayed my discharge on Wed., but they think it was more due to where my brace puts pressure when I sit at too small an angle, which I was doing for a decent amount of time on Tuesday with visitors, and also d/t anxiety--which I am fully able to admit I was having. But my neuro exams all looked good so they sent me home--and the following day and a half my mom and step-dad cleaned my house, did laundry, and packed me up so I could come back to Wilmington with them for a while. So Friday afternoon we headed down to Wilmington, and since then we've just been resting and recuperating. It's really good to see my mom finally be able to take a deep breath and get some rest--I don't think I'll ever know what she went through until I myself am a mother--but from my perspective I've never seen her so scared, exhausted, and anxious. Sarah (Sperry) came down on Saturday to spend the night and visit and my dad is going to come down from DC to visit next week and "babysit" me as mom likes to say. I really am pretty mobile--I mean I can stand, walk, and lay down--sitting is really the only thing I am not supposed to do, interestingly enough, as it puts the most stress on one's back (and also makes my leg go numb, ha). But I'm learning my limitations and realizing that some things are indeed tough--and that, at least for a while, I need to set my pride aside and be ok with receiving help, i.e. the fact that yes, my mom has to help me bathe and dress. But none of that holds a flame to how thankful I am every time I look down and realize that I can wiggle my toes, feel my legs, and walk. I truly had no idea how close my injury was to causing neurological damage, and I am just so unbelievably thankful for God's protection and His answered prayers. It's funny my mom and I were talking about the fact that when prayers are answered, we often don't know how bad things could have been. So over the next few months I will get plain films every 2-3 weeks, meet with the neurosurgery team to make sure everything is progressing as we would hope, and with God's continued care and everyone's prayers, hopefully be out of this thing for good at the end of September. I'm not out of consideration for surgery until, well, they say I'm completely out of consideration for surgery, so I would so much appreciate your continued prayers for healing. Also since I am not allowed to sit, the first 6 weeks of school will be a challenge, especially since our first couple blocks are pretty lecture-intensive. So please pray for a solution to be made apparent for that, as well.

Well, before I get uber sappy on all of you...this experience has not gone without its funny moments. Yes I have now been catheterized, used many-a-bedpan, and while hospitalized in Guatemala, the nurses did in fact put me in a diaper. Honestly I think that may have been the first time I cried through the entire experience, haha (not really, I'm sure I cried before that :-)). But all of those things gave me a good dose of humility, were a lesson in what it's like to be a patient and go without the independence that, at least I know, I take for granted, and for heaven's sake, will make me NEVER question someone who suffers from back pain. And lastly...with diapers the experience wouldn't be complete without maternity clothes, right?! Right. Those just happen to be the only clothes that fit over and half-way hide the brace. So, ladies, I have in my possession a very nice maternity wardrobe from Target that I sure as heck will never fit into when I am actually pregnant....up for grabs in a little less than 3 mos ;-) Should we begin placing wagers on the first taker?!

Love to you all...If anyone would like to chat or come visit, I would love that! Give me a shout on either my cell, 919-358-1137 or at home, 910-794-1469.


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