Thursday, June 5, 2008

Team Strawberry Cervix

Hello again family, friends and fellow bloggers! I just wanted to give a short update on whats happened since my enormous post. Oh by the way - thanks for calling me out Krake...we'll see if I let you boil water or get your soy milk tonight haha. Anyway - yesterday was a long day at the clinic and Kristen and I were finally able to dive into the bulk of history taking and physical exam in Spanish. Carmen was our teacher and I feel like I completely refreshed my Spanish skills just listening to her talk yesterday. We'll test that out today. But after a long day at clinic we all came back to La Iguana for Taco Tuesday...even though it was Wednesday and then Quiz Night! My team name was Strawberry Cervix ... for all those MS2's that can understand where that comes from...and we got bonus points for the most creative name! Kristen and Pai's group was called "Hola China" cuz that's what all the little kids in the town call Pai haha. Anyway - "Hola China" won the game and got a bottle of wine which we will hopefully open tonight for when we have our party since Lianna and Halie are both leaving us on Friday. I'm still a little bitter about it since I only lost by two points. I totally think that Beastiality is one of the most popular sexual fetishes in the world...Oh and fellow Scrabulous players...try and think of the words that use all of the vowels (a, e, i, o, u) in a word...but backwards. So you have to have a word that has the vowels in the order u, o, i, e, a. Good luck. No cheating.

Okay - well time to sign off because Kristen is making me feel guilty about being the computer hog. I said it once and I'll say it again...I wish I brought my laptop. Hope everyone's doing well and look for pictures on our next post!


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